
Our List Server...
... is an automated email service to update you on time-sensitive information affecting our community. It works sort of like your own email when you are sending it to a group from your address book, but it has more capacity and features.
... is used to announce new content to this newsletter. We would also use it to alert you to a lost child or dog or other time-sensitive matters.
Westbriar does not collect email addresses. Our List Server is a professional service that uses encryption and interfaces with your IP address. You cannot be targeted by spam if you enroll. By law, and by the way, the service works, we can neither enroll you nor unenroll you if you decide to leave. You must do this yourself.
To JOIN the List Server
- CLICK HERE. You will be presented with an email addressed to [email protected]
- Type "Join" in Subject, type your name, address, and telephone number in the Body, and click SEND.
- Look in your Email inbox. Shortly, you will receive an email with the Subject: "Subscribe Confirmation" and contain codes.
- Click REPLY. It will be addressed back to itself. Click SEND. Shortly, you will receive your Subscribe Confirmation. It will tell you if you are successfully enrolled.
You must do all four steps.
To Leave the List Server
To unenroll, send an email with any subject or Body from the subscribed address* to:
* It is important that you unenroll from the same IP address from which you enrolled.